Indian Govt CERT Issues Warning For GoogleThe Users of Google Chrome, Advised To Update Chrome Browser As Soon As Possible

Google Chrome

 There’s a serious warning for Chrome users. The Indian Government body has found multiple serious loopholes in the browser. By that loophole, Hackers can easily exploit and do something unethical crime.

The Computer Emergency Response Team of India raised a warning about the use of Google Chrome because of many weaknesses in Chrome Browser. By the weaknesses of the Google Chrome Browser hackers got your devices full access and get sensitive information.

CERT issued a notice that says,

Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in Google Chrome which could be exploited by a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code, cause denial of Service (DoS) condition and disclose sensitive information on the targeted system 

Google responded to that notice and without wasting any time they launched some updates to fix bugs. There are many vulnerabilities like “Use after free” in the Loader and Vulkan components. That causes security issues by using the memory that has been released.

And there’s a weakness in the CSS, V8, and Fonts components. With the weakness, the Hacker attacks the memory which is not supposed to have access. 

The version 116.0.5845.110 and 116.0.5845.111 for Windows and 116.5845.110 for Mac and Linux users need to update their Chrome to protect against hackers.

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